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Escola Nausica
Projecte educatiu integral
The School
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History of the school
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The School is turning 80!
Educational Project
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Nursery school
Early Childhood Education
Primary Education
ESO – Secondary Education
Educational team
School PTA
Pedagogical project
School services
School year management
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Students’ corner
A neighborhood school
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Open school
The school and the neighborhood
Safe school environment
Contact us
Why choose Nausica?
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Escola Nausica
Projecte educatiu integral
Main Menu
A neighborhood school
A school in Barcelona
A school in Sant Gervasi
Always open secretariat
Contact us
Creative school
Early Childhood Education
Education in English
Educational Project
Educational team
ESO – Secondary Education
Experiential school
Extracurricular activities
Family-friendly school
Health care
History of the school
Innovative school
Multilingual school
Nausica Foundation
Nausica School
Nursery school
Open school
Pedagogical project
Primary Education
Psycho-pedagogical service
Safe school environment
School canteen
School Council
School menu
School PTA
School services
School year management
Students’ corner
Summer camp
The School
The school and the neighborhood
The School is turning 80!
Why choose Nausica?
Escola familiar
A Nausica t'esperem sempre amb les portes obertes. Tindreu una atenció personalitzada per part de tots i totes!
Llegeix més...
Educació en valors i emocions
A Nausica parlem de les nostres emocions, les entenem i aprenem a gestionar-les!
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Desenvolupem l’habilitat d’inventar, desenvolupar i relacionar idees noves en qualsevol camp des de la imaginació al pensament divergent.
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Comunicació Plurilíngüe
A l'Escola Nausica aprenem i ens comuniquem en tres llengües.
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Metodologies educatives
Cada infant és únic. Per tant, oferim maneres diferents i úniques d'aprenentatge.
Llegeix més...
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