Extracurricular activities

(Nausica offers various extracurricular activities outside of school hours.)

The extracurricular educational offer that Nausica offers is diverse so that children have a time of disconnection after school hours or at noon. At the same time they continue to grow as people. At school, we offer a range of activities that are divided into two time slots during the day. At noon (lunch time) we offer 3 types of activities: Yoga, theater and robotics. And in the afternoons we have football, basketball and volleyball extracurriculars.

Extracurricular activities 2021/2022

Due to Covid-19, the PTA has organized extracurricular activities maintaining and ensuring all health safety measures, in accordance with the school’s protocol of action to ensure and protect the health of children.

There are two extracurricular time slots at school. The first slot is from 13:00 to 13:45 and the second, from 14:00 to 14:45. There are 6 different types of extracurricular activities during lunchtime: sewing, yoga, robotics, dance, theater and chess. The afternoon is divided into 3 time slots: from 17:15 to 18:15, from 18:15 to 19:15 and the last one is from 18:30 to 19:30. In the afternoon, we find 3 different types of extracurricular activities: volleyball, football and basketball for Primary Education students.

The aim of Nausica, a charter school in Barcelona, ​​is to ensure that students have a complete education. First, in the process and academic growth and later, in the personal growth.

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