Family-friendly school

At Nausica, as a family school, we believe that it is vitally important that there is a close relationship between: students-family-school.

In this sense, from the school we work to establish a daily, positive and close bond of joint work with families, thanks to the feedback in daily communication. Above all, to have mutual support between families and the whole educational community. Being a family-friendly school, close, flexible and accessible. In this way, we encourage and help children in their process, growth and evolution. Following the plan with maximum consistency and commitment. Where families and students feel comfortable, confident and safe. As a result of personalized attention that Nausica considers essential and fundamental for the school.

Nausica as a family-friendly school is always open, where teachers and families have common goals: to find well-being and to educate children in the broadest sense of the word.

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