Educational Project

Nausica’s educational project has established the school’s identity traits. These guarantee a good learning and development of children of all stages, from Nursery school, Early Childhood Education, Primary Education and until Secondary Education. Our Educational Project is ambitious and is a reflection of our hopes and expectations, of the ideology that defines us as a school.

Trets d’identitat Identity traits

Atenció personalitzada Personalised attention
Acollidora Welcoming
Centre concertat d’una sola línia Chartered single line scheme school
Plural i oberta al món Plural and open to the World
Creativa i inspiradora Creative and inspiring
Respectuosa Respectful
Oberta a les famílies Open for the families
Fundació escolar sense ànim de lucre Non-profit school foundation
80 anys de trajectòria educativa innovadora 80 years of innovative educational trajectory
Nausica is a school in Barcelona and our aim is to maximize the students’ own learning style. With the support of teachers and other professionals working through a multilingual, friendly, innovative and creative education.

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