
At Nausica we use Clickedu as a digital school platform. Clickedu is the cloud we use for academic, administrative and financial management. It is a private and secure platform that facilitates communication with families.

This platform is the perfect tool for school management, assessment and student support. A unique environment subject to constant evolution to make your day-to-day life easier by receiving notifications on your mobile phone or computer.

Clickedu is a toolbox for teachers and gives families peace of mind: financial management, paper work, messaging, attendance control, interviews and tutoring, news, etc. In a way, it’s part of the family work schedule.

The technological tools facilitate good planning in Nausica and allows us a better management of all the agents that intervene in the educational community complementing the personal communication, so characteristic of our school.

In addition, Clickedu facilitates the work of the teacher and the administration team in the context of new normality, not only thanks to the use of usual functionalities, but also with the specific tools we have developed during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ultimately, Nausica is a close, flexible family school and Clickedu is synonymous with support. The mission is to help you bring your children’s educational quality to the highest level.

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