Contact us

Contact the school

School contact is essential in order to maintain a direct and continuous link and feedback with families. As a family school, it is easy to contact us in any of the following ways:


As an open school we are, we communicate and make ourselves known through the following social networks:

  • On our school’s Instagram you can find images and videos where you can get to know us better and follow our pedagogical project every day.
  •  On the YouTube channel you will find videos of the activities carried out by the students, our educational team, etc. We are a school in Barcelona open to everyone!
  •  On our Facebook profile you will find the latest news, educational activities carried out in the neighborhood of Sant Gervasi and much more.


It’s easy to get to school


Nausica is a charter school in Barcelona. It is located at 309-313 Muntaner Street, in the Sant Gervasi district. Therefore, adjacent to the neighborhoods of: l’Antiga visibility to the outside. The school is well connected by public transport via the city bus network with the lines: V11, V13, 68, 32, 27, etc. and the Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (train) with Muntaner, Sant Gervasi and Plaça Molina stations.

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